
cumstance a boy or man with a reasonably active team of suppressed characteristics finds himself dressed and made up as a woman he will suddenly know that, here is the role, the medium, the state of being, the field on which his second team can play. This awareness is going to be a tremendous revelation to him and is going to have a satisfaction attached that is relatively tre- mendous. Some of you who read this and who had your first TV experience in your adult years will remember, I'm sure, the electric thrill and inexplicable inner re- action that came over you the first time you saw "her" in the Mirror. (In fact I would like to receive some detailed letters outlining this experience if those who have experienced it would write about it).

Is it reasonable to suppose then that when the second team of suppressed personality traits and emotions has found a way to get into the game that it will calmly give up this new found freedom, retire to the subcon- sious and allow the individual to be "cured". I don't think so. The incurability isn't just because TV is "fun" like gambling and other bad "habits", but because curing involves trying to drive underground again a whole set of human expressions that have at last seen the light of day. The deprivation involved is just too great.

Transvesting is not a "sick behavior', neither is it a sex deviation, both of which might be curable by re- directing the energies involved. No, TVism may be statistically abnormal, but it is in fact a logical, to be expected solution to some of the cultural patterns and requirements that are imposed on men. The only true "cure" will occur in the day when people are allowed and encouraged to express ALL of themselves without fear, shame or hindrance. Here's to that day.
